WElcome to the Pact marketing Team!

There are 3 steps for you to get started as a new rep for Pact Marketing.


Sign Paperwork

Finalize your start and end date with your recruiter, then sign the company offer letter here:
Rep Agreement


Start Reading

Start your sales training by getting a copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and start reading it. We are big believers in self-development, and we want you to show us your commitment to growth and success by starting now to read our recommended sales books.


Pact University

Sign up for Pact University by clicking the link below. Put in your phone number, and you will then receive a text to create your account. Then login to the University and begin the course called Sales Training Part 1- Orientation. If you have any issues getting logged in, send an email to office@mypactmarketing.com
Pact University